RPC Bebo

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Our vacancies

Are you looking for a new job opportunity? Make a next step in your career and join RPC Superfos. We offer you a dynamic working environment, an international outlook and a strong local presence. Check our vacant positions now.

If you want to join a team of +2,400 dedicated RPC Superfos employees spread over various locations, take a look at our current job offers. We are keen to connect with potential employees in sales, production, logistics, quality control, etc. Our facilities, sales offices and distribution centers are spread all over Europe, the United States and Australia.

We value a high performing and diverse workforce and foster a healthy, safe and productive working environment. We offer you cross border career opportunities and aim at developing employee skills and competencies in all professional fields related to the plastic packaging industry.

Please send any unsolicited application to superfos@rpc-superfos.com.


RPC Bebo